Does Your Child Have Eczema?

Published on: February 2, 2015

Unless you’ve dealt with childhood eczema before, you may not realize that eczema is more common in children than adults. It is estimated that one out of ten children have eczema. Most children who contract this skin disorder show signs as an infant, often before they turn one year of age, almost always before they turn five years old. If you have noticed a persistent rash on your child’s skin, he or she may be displaying the beginning signs of eczema.

Diagnosing Childhood Eczema

Most infants and toddlers will have rashes, making it difficult to diagnose eczema when it first begins. Where and how the first symptoms present may also vary. However, there are some standard signs which can help you determine whether your child may have eczema, including:

  • Red rash on face or scalp. One of the most common first signs of eczema are small, dry and itchy bumps on an infant’s face or scalp which are red in color.
  • Joint rashes. Another common area for eczema to begin is in the crease of elbows or knees and on the backs of wrists or ankles. Look for raised, red rashes that persist in these areas.
  • Scratches that itch. Eczema is sometimes referred to as a scratch that itches. A child may scratch themselves, then have an itchy rash where they scratched.

Eczema is uncomfortable, but it can be treated. If you think your child may have eczema, you should schedule an appointment with an eczema specialists, particularly a dermatologist. They can diagnose the condition and offer effective treatments to make your child more comfortable while controlling the symptoms.

Posted on behalf of:
Olansky Dermatology Associates
Peachtree Lenox Building
3379 Peachtree Road #500
Atlanta, GA 30326
(404) 355-5484

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