Urinary Incontinence

Published on: April 10, 2014

Urinary incontinence is described as the accidental release of urine. Many women find that they leak urine when there is pressure put on the bladder – for instance when they cough, sneeze, laugh, or exercise. While urinary incontinence is not typically related to major health problems, accidentally releasing urine can be quite embarrassing. Urinary incontinence can be a short term problem caused by a urinary tract infection or constipation, or it can be a chronic issue that lasts for years. Doctors are able to help women in dealing with urinary incontinence from pressure on the bladder.

Urinary incontinence can be caused by childbirth, weight gain, or any other condition that stretches the pelvic floor muscles. Muscles are used to support the bladder properly, and when these muscles are not strong enough the bladder can drop down and push against the vagina. Women are encouraged to do Kegel Exercises throughout pregnancy in order to strengthen the walls surrounding their bladders. This helps to prevent urinary incontinence after giving birth.

Treatments for urinary incontinence include Kegel exercises or (“bladder training”), cutting back on fizzy drinks, cutting back on caffeinated drinks, medications, a pessary, or a combination of these. Women who suffer from urinary incontinence need to try to stay at a healthy weight; obesity is a large component of incontinence because of the excess pressure put upon the bladder walls. Keeping track of their symptoms is also helpful for women seeking help with urinary incontinence because it helps doctors know where to begin for treatment. Women should not be embarrassed to talk to their doctor about urinary incontinence because it is a common occurrence and most people can be helped or cured.

Posted on behalf of Carlos Alarcon, M.D., Marietta OB-GYN Affiliates, P.A.


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