Improve Your Smile with a Lip Lift

Published on: June 7, 2018

Do your lips hide your teeth or have they lost their shape over the years? One option to improve your smile and overall appearance is a lip lift. This cosmetic surgery can address many different issues with the lips and enhance one of your best features – your smile. 

What Is a Lip Lift?

In most cases, an upper lip lift is performed to improve the shape of the mouth. There are different varieties to address different issues. For example, some people have a downturn at the corners of their mouth, making them look sad or angry that can be corrected with a corner lip lift. Other aging concerns like a longer top lip can be changed by a lifting of the top lip to make it appear shorter and more rounded. For younger patients, a lip lift can be used to create a Cupid’s bow or show more teeth when they smile. Some other issues that can be addressed with a lip lift include:

  • Narrowing the distance between nose and top lip
  • Creating a more sensual smile
  • Reducing the need for dermal fillers
  • Creating a symmetrical smile
  • Limiting fine wrinkles that can cause lipstick bleeds

A lip lift can be a subtle yet beautiful change. When done with precision and artistry, it can enhance the face. It is a cosmetic procedure that makes an impact without being obvious – it is common for people to get more compliments on their smile, yet no one knows they had a procedure done.

Although lip lifts can vastly improve your smile, they are a specialty procedure that not all plastic surgeons do well. It is important to find a plastic surgeon that specializes in the most advanced and latest techniques in lip lifts to get the best results.

Posted on behalf of:
Beverly Hills Center for Plastic & Laser Surgery
120 South Spalding Drive #236
Beverly Hills, CA 90212
(310) 288-0641

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