5 Bad Habits to Quit for Healthier Skin

Published on: August 30, 2019
Skin Care Habits

Glowing, healthy skin does not happen by accident, especially as you get older. The changes in the skin’s structure and exposure to the elements requires care to keep it healthy and attractive. It is not just how you care for your skin that matters – there are bad habits you should avoid. Here are five behaviors to eliminate to keep your skin healthier.

  1. Stop smoking. There are many reasons to quit smoking including the health of your skin. Smoking increases wrinkles and uneven tone of the skin, making you look older than your years.
  2. Quit the hot showers. Hot water may feel wonderful but it is not healthy for your skin. The heat strips oils needed for healthy skin. Stick to warm or cool showers and baths for healthier skin .
  3. Using dirty makeup brushes. Makeup brushes need to be periodically cleaned – they can become havens for bacteria. Dirty makeup brushes can cause breakouts, clogged pores and skin infections that are far from healthy for your skin.
  4. Touching or rubbing your face. Your facial skin is delicate and it is prone to damage. Constantly touching your face transfers whatever is on your fingers to your sensitive facial skin. Rubbing your eyes can damage the fragile skin and you should never pick pimples or blemishes on your face.
  5. Tanning. UV rays are responsible for the majority of skin aging and skin cancer. If you still lay in tanning beds or bask in the sun, stop. Use a bronzer or other sunless tanning method if you want to color your skin and always wear sunscreen to protect against UV ray damage.

To learn more about how to protect your skin and keep it healthier, consult your dermatologist. Knowing what to avoid and the best care options can help you maintain healthy, beautiful skin.

Posted on behalf of:
Olansky Dermatology Associates
Peachtree Lenox Building
3379 Peachtree Road #500
Atlanta, GA 30326
(404) 355-5484

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