Are You Tired of Hiding Your Varicose Veins?

Published on: August 7, 2018

Do you wear long pants, even on hot days, just to hide your spider or varicose veins? Not only can these noticeable veins be embarrassing, they can come with many painful side effects. You may have burning, aching and cramping in the legs, along with a heaviness or tingling sensation. If you are tired of hiding your legs due to unsightly varicose or spider veins, consider seeking treatment to remove these veins for good.

Varicose veins are caused by many different factors. They can be hereditary from families with a history of defective valves, varicose veins or blood clots; but they are often caused by lifestyle choices. Those who are overweight, work on their feet, take birth control pills or have been exposed to excessive sunlight or UV rays are more likely to develop varicose veins. Other risk factors include hormonal changes, skin injuries and vein surgery.

Removing Varicose and Spider Veins

To rid your legs of the red, blue and purple protruding veins, there are a few options. Not only does removing these veins improve the appearance of your legs, it can stop painful symptoms and reduce your risk for a blood clot. Some options include:

  • Laser treatment. Small spider veins can be zapped away with laser treatments.
  • Sclerotherapy. One of the most effective options for spider vein removal is sclerotherapy. This uses an injected substance to harden these veins and allow them to be reabsorbed.
  • Phlebectomy. For removal of varicose veins, phlebectomy uses a small incision to extract these large veins.

If you are interested in removal of your varicose or spider veins, see a vascular specialist. Many vascular surgeons offer effective treatments to remove these veins and reduce the chance of possible blood clots and other issues.

Posted on behalf of:
Alan Benvenisty, MD
1090 Amsterdam Avenue
New York, NY 10025

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