Causes and Symptoms of Hemorrhoids

Published on: May 9, 2019

Hemorrhoids can be uncomfortable but many people are embarrassed to discuss this issue with their doctor or get treatment. It can help to understand that hemorrhoids are very common and that there is no reason to be embarrassed to discuss your condition with a medical professional. Here are the common causes of internal and external hemorrhoids and the symptoms that can accompany this condition.

What Are Hemorrhoids and What Is the Cause?

Hemorrhoids are a mass or collection of swollen blood vessels or veins inside the lower rectum or outside the anus. This inflammation of veins can occur when excess strain is used in the lower abdomen. This can be due to constipation or hard bowl movements that require straining when defecating. Internal hemorrhoids can be caused by physical strain when lifting or other activities.

Symptoms of Hemorrhoids

External hemorrhoids from bowel issues can become itchy or painful, especially when irritated by diarrhea or constipation. Internal (and some external) hemorrhoids can cause bleeding or mucus that may be evident when performing post-bowel cleaning or on undergarments.

Hemorrhoids are uncomfortable but usually can heal quickly. Hemorrhoids can be relieved by using topical creams or a sitz bath. Keeping the anus clean is important to minimize risk of infection – clean the area with warm water and mild soap after bowel movements.

Preventing Hemorrhoids

If you have reoccurring hemorrhoids, it can be due to a poor diet or not enough liquids. Softening the stool can help reduce constipation and straining. Consuming more water and fiber can help for some people but if hemorrhoids continue, seeing a gastroenterologist may be the best solution. They can ensure there are not any other rectum issues and find the right treatment for relief.

Posted on behalf of:
Dr. David P. Yamini, MD
Westside Gastro Care
2001 Santa Monica Blvd #1286
Santa Monica, CA 90404
(310) 285-3005

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