Is Hormonal Imbalance Slowing Your Metabolism?

Many factors affect whether you gain or lose weight. Anyone who has struggled with maintaining a healthy weight knows it is difficult to lose fat. When diet and exercise are not effective in maintaining your weight, there may be an issue with your metabolism. One factor that can be responsible is hormonal imbalance, an issue that can affect both men and women.
Testing Your Hormone Levels
Hormonal changes are common for both genders when you reach the forties and beyond. Men with low testosterone and women with changes in estrogen can find themselves gaining weight. If your diet and exercise has not changed, hormones can be the factor affecting your weight. Testing your hormone levels is the best way to determine if this the culprit impacting your weight gain.
A naturopathic doctor can test your hormone levels and determine whether your metabolism may be impacted by changes. The benefit of going to an ND is that they will look at hormonal levels and other factors that can impact metabolism and offer solutions for improving your overall health. An ND can offer treatment for hormonal imbalance as well as diet and lifestyle changes that can help you lose weight and feel your best. Hormone replacement can make a big difference in your metabolism, energy levels and mood, helping improve your overall wellness.
Weight gain or difficulty losing weight as you get older can be related to hormonal changes. If you are trying to lose weight without success, consider visiting an ND to receive hormonal testing and a complete exam. There may be internal factors impacting your metabolism that can be treated to help you lose weight easier.
Posted on behalf of:
Wholistic Medicine Specialists of Atlanta
1055 Powers Place
Alpharetta, GA 30009
(678) 987-8451
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