When Is Mohs Surgery Necessary?

Published on: April 8, 2018

Skin cancer is one of the most prolific types of cancer, both melanoma and nonmelanoma types. It is estimated that one in five people will be diagnosed with skin cancer in their lifetime. One of the oldest treatments for skin cancer is still considered the best option, Mohs surgery. This method removes layers of cancerous skin lesions, carefully examining 100% of the tissue removed for cancer cells until the tissue is clear of cancer. It is meticulous and effective, but it is not always used in all types of skin cancer removals. Certain types of skin cancer are better served with Mohs surgery than others.

When Mohs Surgery is the Best Option

For many types of skin cancer, including melanoma, basil cell carcinoma (BCC) and squamous cell carcinoma (SCC), Mohs surgery is the best option. It has a 98% cure rate and is cost effective as the surgery is completed in one visit. The skin cancers that are recommended for Mohs surgery are on the head and neck region. These are considered higher risk and should be treated with the most effective and meticulous method. Other skin cancers that may be good candidates for Mohs surgery include:

  • Lesions with undefined or hard-to-see borders
  • Re-occurring skin cancers
  • Larger cancer areas
  • Cancers that were not completely removed after first treatment

Not only is Mohs surgery effective in removing the cancer cells, it can cause less disfigurement than other types of surgical excisions used for skin cancer. Removing the smallest amount of tissue while still excising all the cancer cells is the goal of Mohs surgery.

Mohs surgery is often performed by an experienced dermatologist as an outpatient procedure. To learn more about Mohs surgery, contact a local dermatologist that offers this procedure at their clinic.

Posted on behalf of:
Olansky Dermatology Associates
Peachtree Lenox Building
3379 Peachtree Road #500
Atlanta, GA 30326
(404) 355-5484

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