Mole Removal

Published on: December 31, 2013

Most people have moles, growths on the skin that are usually brown or black. In fact, it is normal for any one person to have 10-40 moles by the time they reach adulthood. While most moles are harmless, there are reasons why people decide to have them removed. Moles change as people age, and many time these changes become displeasing, aggravating, or health issues. Many moles get larger over time and become more raised off of the skin. Clothing and jewelry such as necklaces can irritate moles that are raised and get caught on these items.

Many people feel self-conscious about moles on their body, especially if they are large or if they are on their face. Removal of moles such as these are done daily in your dermatologist’s office. Dermatologists are experts in removing moles so that they do not reoccur. They are also experts at noticing when a mole is more than just an aesthetic concern. While most moles are harmless to a person’s health, there are certain characteristics that make moles worrisome. If you notice changes in a mole’s color, height, size, or shape, you should have it evaluated by your dermatologist. You should also have any mole checked if it bleeds, oozes, itches, or becomes tender or painful.

Skin that is exposed to the sun on a regular basis needs to be checked regularly. People who are aware of their skin notice changes in moles much quicker than those who ignore their skin. For moles that may become cancerous, changes in color and feel that are noticed right away can be treated much more effectively.  Schedule an appointment with your dermatologist if you have a mole that concerns you, or if you would like for your dermatologist to document your skin so that you can be aware of changes that occur.

Posted on behalf of Dr. John Kayal, Northwest Georgia Dermatology


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