Portrait PSR

Published on: August 17, 2014

Portrait PSR is one of the latest cosmetic procedures available today that is used to treat the facial skin. It is a non-surgical treatment that is clinically proven to regenerate the skin. Portrait PSR is not a laser treatment. It is a treatment that transfers nitrogen plasma energy to the skin to produce a uniform regeneration of the skin on the face.

Portrait PSR is the first non-laser technology that has been approved by the FDA to perform skin resurfacing to improve facial lines and wrinkles. As people age, the skin of the body alters. The outer layer of the skin becomes thinner which allows facial wrinkles to appear and set in over time. Collagen is lost with age, thus skin loses its firmness and fullness of texture, also allowing the formation of facial lines and wrinkles.

Portrait PSR uses energy from plasma rather than light from a laser to regenerate the skin. Quick puffs of nitrogen-based plasma are given to the skin through a wand. The want has a generator inside that coverts nitrogen gas to an ionized gas called plasma. The energy delivered through the conversion produces a heating action that works at the skin’s surface to basically burn away photo damaged cells at and below the skin’s surface. This burning will promote collagen growth. As the skin peels away, new skin will regrow (regenerate) and will improve the appearance of the face.

There are high-energy and low-energy treatments available based on the results you desire and the downtime you are able to take to recover. Typical treatments are associated with age spots and hyper pigmentation, loosening skin, creasing around the nose and mouth, and early jowling.

Talk to your doctor about a consultation to see if you are a good candidate for Portrait PSR.

Posted on behalf of Dr. John Kayal, Northwest Georgia Dermatology


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