Is it Safe to Have an Unattractive Mole Removed?

Published on: April 4, 2017

By adulthood, many people have moles on their body. The average person can have between 10-40 moles on different places on their body, with most appearing by the age of thirty. A mole is simply a collection of skin cells that can tend to be a darker pigment than the surrounding skin. They can be raised or flat, but usually are smaller in size than a pencil eraser. Unfortunately, if the mole is located on the face or other visible area, it may be embarrassing for some people, making them self-conscious of this small skin lesion. The question is whether it is safe to have an unattractive mole removed for cosmetic reasons.

Mole removal is a common practice done by plastic surgeons for cosmetic and health purposes. A raised mole can be very unattractive on a young person, especially when it is located on their face. Some moles are removed due to the possibility of their link to skin cancer, protecting the person before the mole spreads cancerous cells to the rest of the body.

The procedure for mole removal is usually fairly simple. Some small moles can be removed during an office visit to a plastic surgeon. The downtime for healing is minimal and it is a very safe procedure. However, though the mole will be removed, there will be a scar in its place. But with the help of an experienced plastic surgeon, this scar can be minimized so that it is almost invisible on the skin.

If you have a mole that you feel is unattractive, call your local facial plastic surgeon for a consultation regarding mole removal. This can be a quick, safe procedure that can make a big difference in your self-esteem and confidence.

Posted on behalf of:
Atlanta Plastic Surgery Specialists, P.C.
2001 Peacthree Road #630
Atlanta, GA 30309
(404) 355-3566

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