Frequently Asked Questions About Lipomas

Published on: November 25, 2016

With the high number of people each year that are affected by skin cancer, an abnormal growth on or below the skin can be concerning. However, some conditions like lipomas are not cancerous or harmful. A lipoma is noticeable as a soft, pliable lump under the skin, usually small in size. These bumps are fatty masses that are not malignant and usually do not cause pain. To learn more, here are some frequently asked questions about lipomas.

What Causes a Lipoma?

The cause of lipomas is not known, although they are often hereditary. They can also be caused by an injury. Although lipomas are fatty tissue, they are not caused by being overweight.

Where Do Lipomas Usually Appear?

A lipoma can form anywhere, but they are more often found on the torso, upper arm, armpit, neck and upper thighs.

What Are the Symptoms of a Lipoma?

Lipomas do not generally cause pain or discomfort. These fatty masses are contained inside a fibrous shell directly under the skin, with a rubbery consistency. Unless they press on a nerve, most people do not have any painful symptoms. However, a person may have discomfort or embarrassment if the growth is in certain areas of the body. 

Should Lipomas Be Removed?

Although lipomas do not need to be removed as they don’t pose a threat to a person’s health, many people opt to have them removed. If they are in a visible area, the skin can look odd and deformed, making the person self-conscious. Also, some lipomas may be uncomfortable due to their location or size.

Who Can Remove a Lipoma?

A dermatologist can quickly remove a lipoma that is causing pain, discomfort or embarrassment. First it will need to be diagnosed as a lipoma, then the dermatologist can give options for removal.

Posted on behalf of:
Medical Dermatology Specialists
5730 Glenridge Drive, Suite T-100
Atlanta GA 30328
(404) 939-9220

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