Get Your Baby’s First Photo Before They Are Born

Published on: August 8, 2017

Anyone who has seen a 2D ultrasound image of a baby in the womb knows that the quality of the image has much to be desired. For some, it can be difficult to even make out the outline of the baby, much less see any distinguishing features. However, new technology offers clearer, more detailed images with the use of 3D/4D ultrasounds, giving you a sneak peek at your baby before he or she is born.

How Do 3D/4D Ultrasounds Work?

Like diagnostic 2D ultrasounds, 3D/4D ultrasounds use sound waves to create images that are three-dimensional, allowing you to see features that 2D images do not show. 3D ultrasounds give still pictures, while the 4D ultrasounds are videos taken in real time. These ultrasounds do not replace your routine diagnostic ultrasounds but instead are an option for parents that want a glimpse of their child before it is born. It is also a reliable way to learn the sex of the baby since the images give much more detail than 2D ultrasounds.

When Is the Best Time for a 3D/4D Ultrasound?

The more developed the baby is, the better the images will be of their features. After fourteen weeks, you can easily determine the gender. However, for a more detailed image or video of your baby, waiting until at least 28 weeks can give you a better view of their features and actions. It can be a wonderful experience for expecting parents, giving them their first view of their new child.

3D/4D ultrasounds are not necessary for diagnostic purposes, which makes them an elective procedure. However, many expectant parents enjoy getting a chance to have a clear picture or video of their child. Talk to your OB/GYN to see if they offer this option at your clinic.

Posted on behalf of
North Point OB/GYN Associates
1505 Northside Boulevard #3500
Cumming, GA 30041
(770) 886-3555

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