Get Ready for Summer Now With Laser Hair Removal

Published on: March 30, 2015

Summer is when you show the most skin, including those areas that you prefer to be smooth and hair-free. If you are tired of shaving or waxing those areas, now is the time to consider scheduling laser hair removal. Think of how great it will be to finally have a summer where you do not have to worry about whether you need to shave or schedule a hair removal service before you go out into the sun!

How Laser Hair Removal Works

Laser hair removal is a procedure that stops hair growth in treated areas of the skin. Using a beam of light, the laser targets the hair follicle under the skin, destroying the root to prevent future growth. Since hair grows in cycles, this procedure is repeated several times over a 3-6 month period in the same area to stop all hair growth. The frequency and length of time needed for complete results depends on the area, the thickness and individual tolerance.

Even though the laser destroys the hair root, it does not damage the skin surrounding the follicle. When performed by an experienced hair laser removal professional, this procedure can be used on all types and colors of skin and hair. Most people have long-term results, allowing them to throw away their razors and wax for good.

Since it does take a few months to get the results you need for hair-free legs, arms or bikini areas, now is the time to start scheduling your laser hair removal. Make sure to find a cosmetic surgeon clinic that specializes in laser hair removal for the best results.

Posted on behalf of:
Beverly Hills Center for Plastic & Laser Surgery
120 South Spalding Drive #236
Beverly Hills, CA 90212
(310) 288-0641

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