What Are Skin Tags?

Almost every adult will have a skin tag at some point during their life, with many people have dozens or more. These small skin growths are benign and do not pose a health risk, but they can be uncomfortable or cause aesthetic concerns. Here are the basics on skin tags and what options are available for removal.
Identifying a Skin Tag
Skin tags are small skin growths that are usually thin and raised. They can growth longer, starting as a small bump and growing a “stalk” with a small bulb on the end. These growths usually are about ¼ to ½ the diameter of a pencil eraser, but some can become size of a dime or larger. Common places skin tags appear include:
- Eyelids
- Neck
- Armpits
- Folds in the skin, like in breasts, buttocks and groin folds
In most cases, skin tags grow taller or longer. They are not painful but can be uncomfortable when in a fold or interfere with vision when on an eyelid.
Removing Skin Tags
When a skin tag is aesthetically displeasing or causing discomfort, they can quickly be removed. Most skin tags can be removed in an outpatient clinic visit. If the skin tag is in a visible area like an eyelid or neck, or are larger in size, it may be best to have a plastic surgeon perform a skin tag removal procedure. They can ensure that the removal will not leave a visible scar or impact the skin appearance, especially when a skin tag or tab is on the delicate skin around the eye. Removal can be performed through incision or tying the skin tag to remove it and allowing the skin to heal. Once removed, most skin tags will not regrow in the same spot.
Posted on behalf of:
Atlanta Plastic Surgery Specialists, P.C.
2001 Peachtree Road #630
Atlanta, GA 30309
(404) 355-3566
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