What is VBAC?

Published on: October 12, 2014

Women who had a cesarean section with their first delivery often wonder if they are able to have a vaginal delivery when they become pregnant again. A VBAC, or vaginal birth after cesarean, is a common option for many women. Not all women are candidates for VBAC, but for those who are there are advantages to trying labor with subsequent deliveries. An experienced OBGYN will be able to help women determine the route they wish to take to bring their bundle of joy into the world.

The first consideration to determine whether VBAC is possible is based upon the type of uterine incision made during the previous c-section. The most common type of uterine incision is a low transverse incision, made in the lower part of the uterus longitudinally. This horizontal uterine incision typically heals well and is placed at the portion of the uterus where rupture of the scar is not typical during labor. For women with higher uterine incisions or vertical incisions, they are not candidates for VBAC because of the risk of the scar opening up during a vaginal delivery.

For women who are candidates of VBAC there is always the advantage of not having to have major surgery. There is significantly less recovery time from a vaginal delivery, a lower risk of infection, lower blood loss, and an easier time moving around and taking care of that precious newborn baby after birth.

There is always the risk that VBAC will not work. Many women opt to try for VBAC even with the risk of it not being successful in order to have a more natural birth and recovery. However, any woman trying for VBAC will be monitored even more diligently during labor and will not be allowed to drag out labor if it is not moving at a progressive rate.

There are many things to consider when deciding on whether to have a repeat cesarean or to try for VBAC. Your OBGYN will help you make the best decision for your pregnancy. Remember that there is no right or wrong answer. What matters is the health of the mother and her baby.

Posted on behalf of Find Local Doctors 

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