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Treatment Options for Hair Loss


PRP Therapy

Men and women experience hair loss for a variety of reasons. Aging, genetics, stress, nutrition and a variety of other factors can impact hair growth. Hair loss is no longer something that needs to be accepted – there are many advanced options for treatment that were not available 10 or 20 years ago. If you…

PRP Therapy for Hair Loss


PRP Therapy

Hair loss can occur for various reasons in both men and women. Genetics, medical conditions, hormones and other factors can all cause hair follicles to stop producing hair. Receding hairlines, thinning hair and bald patches can have an impact on appearance and self-confidence. While hair transplant surgery is an option, there are less invasive, innovative…

How Much Does Your Hair Affect Your Self-Confidence?


Hair Loss Treatment

It does not matter whether you are male or female – your appearance is important. While some may place more importance on how they look than others, most people have some aspects of their appearance that impacts their self-esteem. For many, it is their hair. Those strands on your head can be a source of…

Advanced Options in Hair Loss Treatments


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Both men and women can suffer from reduction in self-confidence of their appearance when they experience hair loss. Whether it is thinning hair, or bald spots appearing, it can impact how a person feels about the way they look and decrease their self-esteem. Hair loss treatments have come a long way, from effective medications to…

How PRP Injections Can Promote Hair Growth


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Plasma-rich platelets or PRP are used in many medical applications to improve healing and growth. Not only can this element help in injuries and treatments for trauma, it is also used in cosmetic procedures to improve hair and skin growth. For those struggling with hair loss or thinning hair, PRP injections can offer a non-surgical…

What is NeoGraft for Hair Loss?


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Hair loss can affect a person’s self-esteem, making them self-conscious of their thinning or lost hair. If you are one of the 60 million men and women suffering from hair loss in the U.S., you could benefit from researching the hair transplant procedure known as the NeoGraft System. Unlike its predecessors in hair grafting, the…

Understanding the Different Types of Hair Loss


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Hair loss or alopecia in one form or another affects about one-quarter of the people in the U.S. every year. It is not just aging men that experience thinning hair or balding; both men and women of any age or race can begin losing their hair for a variety of reasons. Many types of alopecia…