Neck Lift Surgery

Published on: April 25, 2014

Neck lift surgery offers the improvement of appearance of the neck. Age is the number one culprit when it comes to sagging skin, and the neck is no stranger to being affected. Many people feel that they have excess skin on their neck resulting in a “turkey wattle.” Others feel that they have no distinction between their chin and neck because of excess fat. Both of these concerns can be addressed through neck lift surgery, and patients will want to ask their surgeon about all options during their consultation.

For people with a “turkey wattle,” surgery may be recommended which will involve making cuts under the chin or behind the ears to access a specific neck muscle. The skin and neck muscle will be adjusted so that the skin of the neck no longer sags. Liposuction is used for removing excess fat below the chin that makes the chin look like it has no separation from the neck. Both the “turkey wattle” and no chin/neck distinction can cause people to look older than they are, and they are unhappy with this appearance.

Many neck lift procedures can be done in the surgeon’s office with local anesthesia and require little down time for recovery. However, some procedures require longer surgical procedures and general anesthesia – which will also require a longer recovery period.

A plastic surgeon will guide a patient through the best procedure to correct the appearance of the neck that s/he is unhappy with. Going through a consultation with the surgeon will help to ensure that the goals a patient hopes to achieve will be met.

Posted on behalf of Benjamin Stong, MD, Kalos Facial Plastic Surgery, LLC


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