Are You Self-Conscious of Your Upper Arms?

Published on: January 7, 2017

Do you hide your upper arms under longer sleeves, even in the summertime? Many women are self-conscious of their upper arms due to excess fat or skin that can make them look flabby. Age, weight loss and genetics can all have an effect on how your upper arms look. If you have eliminated tanks tops and sleeveless shirts or dresses from your wardrobe due to unflattering upper arms, it may be time to consider an arm lift.

Not everyone is born with svelte upper arms that look great when they are bared for the world to see. Even if you had nice upper arms when you were younger, age and weight fluctuations can take their toll. Upper arms that jiggle or sag underneath can be embarrassing for many women, causing them to hide behind fabric. An arm lift cosmetic procedure can be just the ticket to getting firmer, svelte arms that you don’t need to hide.

An arm lift uses liposuction to remove any excess fat from the upper arm area to create slimmer arms. Using surgical techniques, excess skin can be removed and tightened, similar to what is done in a face or tummy lift. The result is an upper arm that looks firmer and more youthful, giving you back your self-confidence so that you can wear the clothes you enjoy without any embarrassment.

You shouldn’t need to hide your arms from view, especially during those hot summer months. If you are ready to bare it all again with stylish sleeveless outfits, call your local plastic surgeon that specializes in arm lift or are liposuction surgery. You deserve to feel good about your body and feel confident.

Posted on behalf of:
Atlanta Plastic Surgery Specialists, P.C.
2001 Peacthree Road #630
Atlanta, GA 30309
(404) 355-3566

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